Maailm on kirjadest kirju.
Kuidas seal leida teed,
mismoodi ära tunda
veesooned, põhjaveed,
kuis jõuda allikani?
Mõnda ehk aitab vits.
Mõnele kulub ära
sõbraga koos võetud pits.
Mõni ei saagi saama,
mida seal sundida.
Sandidraama on tihti
tahtmatus kõndida.
Aga küsimus püsib.
Kes on see, kes teda küsib?
Kellel on julgust olla rumal
ja arg?
Kes tõstab käe, on tark.
See, kelle jalge all alati püsib algus,
teada tahtmine —
temast vallandub valgus.
Kes õpib, on õpetaja
Our world is mottled with letters.
How to find your way through it,
how best to recognize
waterways, groundwater,
how shall we discover their source?
Some need a divining rod
Others a drink
with a friend.
Some are simply unable,
For them nothing can be done.
Yet can you not just rise and go, or is it more
That you will not?
But the question still remains.
Who is it that is asking?
Who dares to admit he is stupid
or shy?
The smart one will stand and say “’Tis I!”)
He who looks for the source,
Thirsting for wisdom —
from him shines the light.
Only he who is ever-learning, Will truly be a teacher.
19. ELU
Kui palju inimlikke nõrkusi,
kui palju häbi, higi, hirmupimedust
peab läbi tantsima teel leidmiseni!
on sellest rõõm.
Kõikidest, kelles
päev-päevalt tantsivad elu ja surm,
kelles kõlavad keeled,
kelles hüüavad kellad
Jumala poole.
Siin tahan elada, siin,
Kus valitseb tõemeel, õiguse riik,
Kus vabadusel on koda
Ja kodanikel on süda,
mis tunneb, mis tunnistab!
Ma sellele tantsule kutsun kõik,
kel inimhing kanda on antud!
Ma sellele tantsule kutsun kõik,
kel vaimule keha on ankruks —
kelles kõlavad keeled,
kelles hüüavad kellad
Jumala poole.
Jumala, Jumala, Jumala poole
hüüavad kellad.
19. LIFE
How myriad are our human weaknesses,
How much of shame, sweat, and fear
Have we to be dancing through while searching for knowledge!
And yet
I shall rejoice.
For all those in whom
every day ceaselessly dancing life and death,
in whom music resounds,
in whom the bells are chiming
Rising to God.
I prefer to live here, here
Where honesty governs and justice leads,
Where freedom true may reign, may reign
And citizens have a heart,
that feels, that witness bears!
To this dance you are now invited, all,
Everyone who has a spirit!
To this dance you are now invited, all,
Everyone’s limbs are anchored soul -
in whom the music resounds,
in whom the bells are chiming
Rising to God.
Rising to God, God, God